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Indian Polity

“In 2011-12, the Centre spent Rs. 3,683 per person in the rest of India and Rs. 14,255 per person in J&K. In 2017-18 the Centre spent Rs. 8,227 per person in the rest of India whereas in J&K it spent Rs. 27,258 per person. Even then there was no development in the State because of corruption. 370 stopped anti corruption bodies to function in the State. A monopoly was there,” Mr. Shah said.

Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad described the move as murder of the Constitution and the democracy by the BJP-led government, stating that the accession of J&K to India had happened through Article 370. He said in the past 70 years, lakhs of people, many leaders and workers of the mainstream parties had made sacrifices, and thousands of police and security personnel lost their lives in the State.

Responding to Mr. Azad, Mr. Shah said the State was assimilated into India through the Instrument of Accession signed by Maharaja Hari Singh on October 27, 1947, and Article 370 came later.

He said the Congress government had also amended Article 370 through the same process in 1952 and 1962.

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