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Pre ke liye Red Books & Mains ke liye Blue Books - the best combination that was ever

available in Civil Services Preparation.

Topical Analysis

Many students spend many years for preparing for civil services exam. However, we have prepared a very scientific method of preparing the IAS Exam. If you follow this method and Time - Table, we are sure that you will crack this exam in one attempt only. Read below -

There are Total 358 Topics in which the whole UPSC syllabus is divided including Mains, Prelims and Interview. These Topics are spread in 14 Subjects.

Indian Culture 10 Indian Polity 20
Indian Economy 33 Ethics 30
Modern India History 27 Developmental Issues 23
Science & Technology 11 Prelims Only Topics (mixed ones) 43
Post-Independence India History 10 International Relations 69
Environment 5 World History 7
Security Related Matters 8 Indian Society 15
World & Indian Geography 47    
Total Topics - 358

Out of these 358 Topics, 239 are relevant for both Prelims as well as Mains. These topics must be prepared from pre-cum-mains perspective together.

Topics relevant for both Prelims and Mains (that is, Topics which need to be prepared from both Pre-cum-Mains perspective) 239
Topics relevant for Mains only (prepared from majorly Mains perspective) 76
Topics relevant for Prelims only (prepared from both majorly Prelims perspective) 43
Total Topics - 358

Further, not all the Topics are equally important. Few Topics are more important than others, so more efforts should be put on those topics. For the purpose of preparation, Topics can be divided into High Depth, Medium Depth and Shallow -

High Depth Topics (Topics which need to be prepared in depth) 138
Medium Depth Topics (Topics which need to be prepared in detail, but not too much detail) 158
Shallow Topics (Topics which need to be prepared in general, not much detail) 62
Total Topics - 358

Current Affairs are extremely important from IAS Exam point of view, but Current Affairs must be prepared Topic-wise. Topic-wise preparation of current affairs will provide you - a) better perspective of the topic, b) better understanding of the topic as well that particular current news, and c) will be more scoring as you will be able to write holistic vision not just fragmented knowledge. Moreover, you will be able to remember the topic much easier than preparing them separately (that is, not topic-wise). Topic-wise importance of current affairs -

Topics for which Current Affairs are very important (Majorly Current Oriented Topics) 94
Topics for which Current Affairs are important 86
Topics for which Current Affairs are not much important 178
Total Topics - 358

Further, for how to manage your time, watch the video below. It will help you understand how you should keep reducing the content you have to study so that you can manage your time in the best way before the exam.

You can follow the given Time-Table depending on the month in which you start your preparation. This has been prepared keeping in mind when you start preparation, how many months will be left for prelims and mains exam at that time, how important a topic is from prelims and mains point of view etc. (Download Timetable Here)

Before you prepare any topic, you must analyse which type of questions are asked from that topic, which kind of current news are coming related to that topic etc. View the complete list of Topics of the syllabus here along with Previous Years’ Questions asked & News related to the topic as well as relevant NCERTs & Rajya Sabha Expert Videos related to the topic -

Very Important from Current Affairs Point of view
Quite important from Current Affairs Point of view
NOT of much importance from Current Affairs point of view

Choose your Topics here -

Indian Culture
Indian Culture - An Introduction
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Indian Architecture incl. Art & Craft & Paintings
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Indian Music and Dances
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Performing Arts, Drama, Theatre and Indian Cinema
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Indian Languages and Literature
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Fairs & festivals and Martial Arts of India
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Media and Culture
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Promotion and Preservation of Culture Incl. UNESCO
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Famous personalities & institutions attached to Indian culture
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Religions, religious thoughts and Philosophy incl. Saints of India
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Industrial revolution
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Important Terms in Economics
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Important Schemes & Programmes of the Government
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Modern India
The Decline of the Mughal Empire
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Indian States and Societies in 18th Century
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
The Beginnings of European Settlements
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
The British Conquest of India
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
The Structure of the Government and Economic Policies of the British Empire in India, 1757-1857
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Administrative Organization and Social & Cultural Policy
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Social & Cultural Awakening in the First half of the 19th Century
Pre & Mains - High Depth
The Revolt of 1857
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Religious and Social Reform Movements
Pre & Mains - High Depth
The Struggle Begins (1858-1905)
Pre & Mains - High Depth
National Movement (1905-1918)
Pre & Mains - High Depth
National Movement (1919-1939) Era of Mass Nationalism
Pre & Mains - High Depth
National Movement: Towards Freedom and Partition (1939-1947)
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Administrative Changes after 1857
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Economic Impact of British Rule in India
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Development of Indian Press
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Development of Education
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Brief on some aspects of British Rule
Pre & Mains - High Depth
The Indian States
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Civil Rebellions and Tribal Uprisings
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Peasant Movements (1857-1947)
Pre & Mains - High Depth
The Movement of Working Class
Pre & Mains - High Depth
The Evolution of Indian Nationalist Foreign Policy
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Communalism and Trends
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Role of women in freedom struggle
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Contributions of British & Foreigners
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Important Persons during freedom struggle & their Approaches to achievement of freedom goals
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Post-Independence India
Challenges of National Building
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Era of One-party Dominance
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Politics of Planned Development
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Economics of planned development
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
India's External Relations
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
The Crisis of Democratic Order
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Rise of Popular Movements
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Regional Aspirations
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Recent Developments in Indian Politics
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
World History
The World From the 1890s to the First World War
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
The World Between the two World Wars
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
The Second World War
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Colonization, Decolonization, and Redrawl of National Boundaries
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Political Philosophies- Communism, Capitalism, and Socialism
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
The World Since 1945
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Indian Society
Structure of Indian Society incl. Caste system
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Social Institutions: Continuity and Change
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Social Inequality and Exclusion
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
The Challenges of Unity in Diversity
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Dawn of Independence and The Challenges for Nation Building
- Depth
Structural and Cultural Change
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
The Story of Indian Democracy
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Change and Development in Rural and Industrial Society
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Mass Media and Communications
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Social Movements
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Role of Women
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Poverty and developmental issues
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Urbanization, their problems and their remedies incl. Migration & Smart Cities
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Globalization and Social Change - Effects of globalization on Indian society
Mains Specific - High Depth
Social empowerment
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Regionalism, Communalism & Secularism
Mains Specific - High Depth
Physical Geography of Africa incl. important Geopolitical regions
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Physical Geography of Asia incl. important Geopolitical regions
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Physical Geography of Europe incl. important Geopolitical regions
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Physical Geography of North America incl. important Geopolitical regions
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Physical Geography of Latin America incl. important Geopolitical regions
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Physical Geography of Australia incl. important Geopolitical regions
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Physical Geography of Antarctica incl. important Geopolitical regions
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Disputed Territories of the World
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Distribution of Key Natural Resources - Minerals & Oil Resources of the World
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Distribution of key Natural Resources - Mineral & Oil Resources of India
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Distribution of Key Natural Resources - Energy Resources of the World
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Distribution of Key Natural Resources - Forest Resources of the World
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Distribution of key natural resources - Land Resources incl. Land conservation in world & India
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Distribution of key natural resources - Ocean Resources in world & India
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Distribution of key natural resources - Water Resources incl. Rivers & related issues in world & India
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Natural regions and the world climates
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Agriculture and Major Crops of the World
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Biotic Resources of the World including Livestock & Fisheries
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Factors responsible for Location & Distribution of Primary Industries in World
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Factors responsible for the Location & Distribution of Secondary Industries of the World
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Factors responsible for location of Tertiary sector Industries incl. Tourism in world & India and related issues
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Transportation and Communication of the World
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
International Trade
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Demography of the World - Population Trends
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Demography of the World - Growth of Population
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Demography of the World - Demographic Attributes
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Demography of the World - Major Tribes and their Habitats
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Important Geophysical phenomena - Earthquakes, Tsunamis & Volcanoes
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Important Geophysical Phenomenon - Atmosphere, its Composition and Circulation
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Important Geophysical Phenomenon - Tides, Oceanic Circulation and Ocean Bottom Relief
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Important Geophysical phenomena - Weathering, Mass Movement & Groundwater
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Various Landforms, Changes Therein and the Effects of Such Changes
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Islands & Coral Reefs, changes therein and in Flora & Fauna and the Effects of such changes
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Mountains, changes therein and in Flora & Fauna and the Effects of such changes
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Lakes, changes therein and in Flora & Fauna and the Effects of such changes
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Rivers, changes therein and in Flora & Fauna and the Effects of such changes
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Changes in Flora & Fauna in general and the effects of such changes
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
The Earth, its Evolution and Origin of Life on Earth
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
The Earth and the Solar System
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Interior of the Earth and Materials of the Earth's Crust
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Climate and Weather & Changes in Climate
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Important Geophysical Phenomenon - Tropical Cyclones
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Important Geophysical Phenomenon - Temperate Cyclones
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Physiography of India including Geology
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Indian River System Including Lakes, and HEPs
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Indian Soils & Natural Vegetation
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Genesis of Soils
NEW ADDED - High Depth
Indian Climate including Monsoons
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Indian Demography including Tribes
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Pre-Specific History
Few Facts Abount Ancient India
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
History upto Indus Valley Civilization
Prelims Specific - Medium Depth
Vedic & Later-Vedic periods
Prelims Specific - Medium Depth
Mahajanapadas, Mauryans & Post-Mauryans
Prelims Specific - Medium Depth
Jainism & Buddhism and Hindu Schools of Philosophy
Prelims Specific - Medium Depth
Sangam Period & Age of Satvahanas
Prelims Specific - Medium Depth
Guptas & Harsha time
Prelims Specific - Medium Depth
States of Deccan & South India
Prelims Specific - Medium Depth
Travelers in India
Prelims Specific - Medium Depth
Turkish Invasions & Rajputs
Prelims Specific - Medium Depth
Delhi Sultanate
Prelims Specific - Medium Depth
Vijaynagar Empire, Regional Kingdoms & Surs
Prelims Specific - Medium Depth
The Mughal Empire
Prelims Specific - Medium Depth
Rise Of Marathas And The Sultanates Of Deccan
Prelims Specific - Medium Depth
Current Affairs
Current Affairs
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Pre - High Depth
Pre-Specific Science
Physics related matters
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Magnetism and Electricity
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Heat and Temperature
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Work, Power, and Energy
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Properties of Substances
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Important Terms of Physics
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Chemistry related matters
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Bio-Chemistry & Atomic Chemistry
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Metals and Metallurgy
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Biology related Matters
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Biology - The Study of Life
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Body Parts and their Processes
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Essential Minerals of the Body
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Human Diseases
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Organization in Plants
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Animal Phyla
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Miscellaneous Science Related Topics
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Pre-Specific GK
World Religions & Languages
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Other Organisations of the World
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Important Places & Personalities (World & India)
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
India Year Book & Economic Survey
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Important Prizes and Related Facts
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Important Wars in the World
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Few Facts about Countries
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Few Facts about India
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Miscellaneous Facts
Prelims Specific - Shallow Depth
Synopsis of Rulers of Medieval India
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Indian Polity
Indian Constitution - Historical underpinnings & Evolution
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Indian Constitution - Features & Significant Provisions related to The Preamble, Union & its Territories and The Citizenship
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Indian Constitution - Features & Significant Provisions related to Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles and Fundamental Duties
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Indian Constitution - Amendments, Schedules, and Important Articles
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Comparison of Indian Constitutional System with that of other Countries - Parliamentary & Presidential Systems of Governance
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Separation of powers between various organs
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Executive: Structure, Organization & Functioning ; Ministries and Departments of the Government
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
The President and the Vice-President of India
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Functions & Responsibilities of the Union, the Prime Minister and Union Council of Ministers
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Parliament - structure, functioning, conduct of business, powers & privileges and issues arising out of these
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Functions & Responsibilities of the States, the Governor, the Chief Minister and State COM
Pre & Mains - High Depth
State Legislatures - structure, functioning, conduct of business, powers & privileges and issues arising out of these
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Issues and Challenges Pertaining to the Federal Structure, Dispute Redressal Mechanisms, and the Centre-State Relations
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Emergency Powers of the Union
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Devolution of Powers & Finances up to Local Levels and Challenges therein - Panchayats & Municipalities
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Judiciary in India: its Structure, Organization & Functioning, Judges of SC & High Courts, Judgments and related Issues
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Elections, Election Commission and the Electoral Reforms in India Incl. Political Parties
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Provisions related to UPSC, State PSCs and Civil Services in India, and their Role in Democracy
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Finance Commission
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Audit & CAG of India
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Developmental Issues
Regulatory & Quasi-Judicial bodies
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Pressure Groups, Other Formal-Informal Associations and their role in the Polity
Mains Specific - Shallow Depth
Role of NGOs, SHGs, Donors & Charities, and Institutional & other Stakeholders in Development Process
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Peoples' Participation-Role of Civil Society in Governance
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Government policies & interventions for development in various Sectors and issues arising out of their design & implementation incl. Housing
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Rights & Welfare of STs, SCs, and OBCs - Schemes & their Performance, Mechanisms, Laws Institutions and Bodies
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Rights & Welfare of Women - Schemes & their Performance, Mechanisms, Laws Institutions and Bodies
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Rights & Welfare of Children - Schemes & their Performance, Mechanisms, Laws Institutions and Bodies
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Rights & Welfare of Old-Age People - Schemes & their Performance, Mechanisms, Laws Institutions and Bodies
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Rights & Welfare of Persons with Disability including Mentally Ill People - Schemes & their Performance, Mechanisms, Laws Institutions and Bodies
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Rights & Welfare of Minorities Incl. Linguistic Minorities - Schemes & their performance; Mechanisms, Laws, Institutions & Bodies
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Rights & Welfare of People with HIV-AIDS - Schemes & their Performance, Mechanisms, Laws Institutions and Bodies
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Rights Issues - Human Rights and NHRC
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Rights Issues - Consumer Rights in India
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Rights Issues - Other Rights
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Other Social Welfare Bodies in India
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Important Aspects of Governance, Transparency & Accountability including Right to Information and Citizen Charter
Pre & Mains - High Depth
E-governance - applications, models, successes, limitations, and potential incl. Aadhaar & Digital power
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Health & Sanitation and related issues
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Education and related issues
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Human resources, Youth, Sports and related issues
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Poverty & Hunger and related issues
Mains Specific - High Depth
Public Policy Making
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
International Relations
India's Foreign Policy evolution and changes
Mains Specific - High Depth
India - Pakistan
Pre & Mains - High Depth
India - China
Pre & Mains - High Depth
India - Nepal
Pre & Mains - High Depth
India - Bhutan
Pre & Mains - High Depth
India - Afghanistan
Pre & Mains - High Depth
India - Bangladesh
Pre & Mains - High Depth
India - Myanmar
Pre & Mains - High Depth
India - Sri Lanka
Pre & Mains - High Depth
India - Indian Ocean Island nations
Pre & Mains - High Depth
India - USA
Pre & Mains - High Depth
India - Russia
Pre & Mains - High Depth
India - Japan
Pre & Mains - High Depth
India - East Asia
Pre & Mains - High Depth
India - Middle East
Pre & Mains - High Depth
India - Central Asia
Pre & Mains - High Depth
India- West Asia
Pre & Mains - High Depth
India - Israel
Pre & Mains - High Depth
India - UK
Pre & Mains - High Depth
India - Australia
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
India - South America
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
India - Canada
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
South-East Asia, ASEAN and India
Pre & Mains - High Depth
SAARC and India
Pre & Mains - High Depth
BRICS, IBSA and India
Pre & Mains - High Depth
BIMSTEC and India
Pre & Mains - High Depth
IOR-ARC and India
Pre & Mains - High Depth
SCO and India
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Mekong- Ganga Cooperation
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
RCEP and India
Pre & Mains - High Depth
QUAD and India
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Rio Group
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Africa, African Union (AU) and India
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Europe, European Union (EU) and India
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
NAM and its relevance
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Commonwealth of Nations
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
ACD and India
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
NSG and India
Pre & Mains - High Depth
ADB and India
Pre & Mains - High Depth
AIIB and India
Pre & Mains - High Depth
African Development Bank
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
League of Arab States (LAS)
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Effect of policies and politics of developed & developing countries on India's interests
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Indian Diaspora
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
UNO and its various Agencies
Pre & Mains - High Depth
World Trade, WTO and issues involved
Pre & Mains - High Depth
World Bank and India
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
IMF and India
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
International Treaties & Agreements, and other important organizations
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Indian Economy
Issues relating to Planning & Economic Reforms
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Community Of Latin American And Caribbean States (CELAC)
- Depth
Issues relating to Mobilization of resources incl. Savings, Borrowings & External Resources
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Issues relating to Growth & Development - Inflation & Monetary Policy
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Issues relating to Growth & Development - Public Finance, Taxation & Black Money incl. Government Budgeting
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Issues relating to Growth & Development - Banking, NPAs and RBI
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Issues relating to Growth & Development - Capital Market & SEBI
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Issues relating to Growth & Development - Industry & Services Sector incl. MSMEs and PSUs
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Issues relating to Growth & Development - Foreign Capital, Foreign Trade & BOP
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Issues relating to Growth & Development - Demographic Economics & Various Indexes
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Issues Related to Poverty, Inclusion, Employment & Sustainable Development
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Agriculture Issues and related constraints
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Major Crops, Cropping Patterns and various Agricultural Revolutions
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Different types of Irrigation & Irrigation systems storage
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Transport & Marketing of agricultural produce
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Agricultural Finance & Insurance
Pre & Mains - High Depth
E-technology in the aid of farmers
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Issues related to direct & indirect Farm Subsidies and MSP
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Public Distribution System: Objectives, Functioning, Limitations & Revamping
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Issues of Buffer stocks and Food Security
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Technology missions
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Economics of Animal-Rearing incl. White, Blue & Pink Revolutions
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Food processing and related industries in India: scope and significance, location, upstream and downstream requirements and supply chain management
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Land reforms in India
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Effects of Liberalization on the economy, changes in industrial policy and their effects on industrial growth incl. Economic Reforms
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Infrastructure: Energy incl. Renewable & Non-renewable
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Infrastructure: Ports & Waterways
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Infrastructure: Roads
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Infrastructure: Airports
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Infrastructure: Railways
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Infrastructure: Economic Corridors
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Infrastructure: Urbanisation and related Issues
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Investment Models: PPP, SEZ, EPZ and others
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Issues relating to Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)
Pre & Mains - Medium Depth
Science & Technology
Science and Technology- developments and their applications and effects in everyday life
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Achievements of Indians in science & technology
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
Indigenization of technology and developing new technology
Pre & Mains - Shallow Depth
IT, Internet and Communications
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Defence related developments
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Space Technology & related matters
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Computer Technology incl. 3-D Printing
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Nuclear science
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Robotics & Artificial Intelligence
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Biotechnology, Genetics & Health related developments
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Environmental Pollution - Air, Water, Soil & E-waste
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Environmental Degradation - GHGs, Ozone Depletion and Climate Change
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Biodiversity, Ecology, and Wildlife Related Issues
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Environmental Conservation, Sustainable Development, and EIA
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Disaster and disaster management
Pre & Mains - High Depth
Security Related Matters
Linkages between development and spread of extremism incl. Naxalism
Mains Specific - High Depth
Role of External State & Non-state actors in creating challenges to internal security incl. Terrorism & illegal Migration
Mains Specific - High Depth
Challenges to internal security through Communication Networks
Mains Specific - High Depth
Role of Media and Social Networking Sites in internal security challenges
Mains Specific - High Depth
Basics of Cyber Security and related matters
Mains Specific - High Depth
Security challenges and their management in Border Areas
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Linkages of organized crime with terrorism
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Various Security Forces & Agencies and their mandate
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Ethics and Human Interface: Essence, determinants and consequences of Ethics in human actions
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Dimensions of ethics
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Ethics in Private and Public relationships
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Human Values - Lessons from the lives and teachings of great Leaders, Reformers and Administrators
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Role of Family, Society and Educational institutions in inculcating values
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Attitude: Content, structure and functions, its influence & relation with thought & behaviour
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Moral and political attitudes
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Social influence and Persuasion
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Foundational values for Civil Service - Integrity, Objectivity, Impartiality & non-partisanship
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Foundational values for Civil Service - Empathy, tolerance and compassion towards the weaker-sections, and dedication to public service
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Emotional intelligence - Concepts, and their utilities & application in Administration and Governance
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Contributions of Moral thinkers and philosophers from India
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Contributions of Moral thinkers and Philosophers from World
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Public-Civil service values and Ethics in Public administration: Status and problems
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Ethical Concerns & Dilemmas in Government & Private institutions incl. issue of "Conflict of Interest"
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Laws, Rules, Regulations and Conscience as sources of Ethical Guidance
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Accountability and Ethical Governance
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Strengthening of Ethical and Moral Values in Governance
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Ethical issues in International Relations and Funding
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Corporate governance
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Probity in Governance: Concept of Public Service
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Philosophical basis of Governance and Probity
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Information sharing and Transparency in government including RTI
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Codes of Ethics and Codes of Conduct
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Citizen's Charters and Work culture
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Quality of service delivery
Mains Specific - Medium Depth
Utilization of public funds
Mains Specific - High Depth
Challenges of corruption
Mains Specific - High Depth
Case Studies
Mains Specific - High Depth